Hello! My name is Jantz Gardner. I am a professional Graphic Designer and a University of Colorado Denver BFA graduate with an emphasis in Digital Design. I really enjoy most fields of design, particularly logo creation, typography, branding & layout design. I love sports design & creating unique athlete & team based designs.
I'm passionate about my family, my craft & my city. Colorado sports are a huge part of my life. I also enjoy hanging out with my wife (Ali), my son (Luka), and dog (Axel), going out with friends, traveling, watching shows, and eating good food. I strive to work hard in all that I do & enjoy coming up with creative design solutions to complex design requests.

Critical thinking is the first part of my design process. It is important to establish the goals, objectives, and reasons why we are designing for a certain cause. This important step includes brainstorming, mind mapping, and primitive sketching to get my ideas onto the page.

In my opinion, the most crucial step in the design process is collaboration with fellow colleagues and prospective clients. Being able to communicate effectively and use precise language to accomplish a common design goal is paramount to creating the perfect design concept.

If the critical thinking and collaboration steps have worked effectively, creating a polished piece should be the easy part. I pride myself on being detail oriented, organized, and efficient in meeting deadlines. I strive to create the highest quality work possible, while matching the ideals, wants, and needs of the client.